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Scoring & Folding - Beginner to Intermediate (Feb 2025)

Scoring and Folding Artwork Paul Wells



Learning Objectives

• Learn the skills and techniques used in the art of scoring and folding metal to create complex shapes
• Develop a skillset to create your own pieces at home with as little as three tools (One being your own hands)
• Learn how to make all components required for you individual projects
• Learn and understand how to finish your items to a professional level


Detailed Description

WHAT will your course cover?

With the emphasis on exploration, this course will allow you to practise the demonstrated folding techniques and then develop these ideas through focused experimentation, creating your own range of sculptural folded forms.

You will learn:
• Different types of fold forming, including Rueger, Ward and Star folds
• Methods for stretching metal forms, including hammering and use of the rolling mill
• How to create curved scores with wire
• How to interpret technique-led processes to develop ideas
• To understand the effects of fold forming in the transformation from 2D to 3D forms

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