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Black Country Living Museum, Dudley 16-17 May 2025


16-17 May 2025

Black Country Living Museum, Dudley

Lead flashing on roofs, brass or copper on domes, lead windows, wrought iron gates, structural cast-iron buildings – these are some of the uses of metals in buildings. And metals decay. This workshop looks at the historical background of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, their methods of production, the reasons for their decay and the appropriate conservation techniques for lead, wrought and cast iron. Students will get a feel for wrought-iron repair by trying their hand at forge welding. We will be making pot hooks, nails and pokers.
‘Really exciting and eye opening’

StartEndCourse Fee 
Black Country Living Museum, Dudley 16-17 May 2025
16/05/202517/05/2025£210.00[Read More]

Canals: History, Heritage and Practical Issues 24-25 April 2025


24-25 April 2025

Parkside Building, Birmingham City University B4 7BD and Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust, Dudley

A general introduction to the history of canals with particular emphasis on the canal heritage of the West Midlands, run in conjunction with the Canal and Rivers Trust. Issues of planning, conservation and sustainability will be discussed. The course will involve site visits and a canal trip. There will also be sessions on the conservation of canal vessels and on maritime and underwater heritage.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Canals: History, Heritage and Practical Issues 24-25 April 2025
24/04/202525/04/2025£210.00[Read More]

Ceramic Building Materials - 6-7 June 2025


Jackfield Tile Museum, and Museum of Iron, Ironbridge Gorge, Telford
Bricks, terracotta, faience and tiles – all of these form part of many historic buildings. Do you know how they are made, how they decay and how to repair, replace or conserve them? This hands-on course will include a trip to the newly-refurbished Jackfield Tile Museum, a go at decorating a tile, as well as bricklaying using lime mortar.
‘a great experience...’

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Ceramic Building Materials - 6-7 June 2025
06/06/202507/06/20250£210.00[Read More]

Conservation of Non-structural and Structural Timber in Historic Buildings - 18-19 July 2025


Ludlow and Worcester/Bromsgrove
Nearly all historic properties will have wood in them - whether as windows, joists, floors or doors. Some buildings are also structurally made from wood with timber frames. The first day of this course will deal with the conservation of non-structural timber in buildings – using Treasures workshop in Ludlow. The second day will deal with the history of and problems with timber-framed buildings and include visits to some magnificent examples. Current repair techniques will be demonstrated using experts.
‘Very helpful and interesting’

StartEndCourse Fee 
Conservation of Non-structural and Structural Timber in Historic Buildings - 18-19 July 2025
18/07/202519/07/2025£210.00[Read More]

Introduction to the Management of Historic Estates, Parks and Gardens - 3-4 July 2025


A private estate in Shropshire and Hagley Hall, Worcestershire
This two-day course will study how a traditional landed estate used to be managed and how it manages to make its way in the twenty-first century. Are there compromises to be made over reusing farm buildings? If the estate contains listed buildings, scheduled monuments and a registered park or garden, how are funding targets met? The course will be held at a privately-owned estate near Shrewsbury. The second day looks at the history and management of historic parks and the exciting discovery and conservation of an eighteenth-century landscape garden.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Introduction to the Management of Historic Estates, Parks and Gardens - 10-11 July 2025
10/07/202511/07/2025£210.00[Read More]

The Conservation and Repair of Stone 2-3 May 2025


2-3 May 2025

Woodchester Mansion, Stroud, Gloucestershire and Parkside Building, Birmingham City University B4 7BD

England is blessed with a great variety of building stones, which is partly what gives it its unique character. Yet stone weathers and decays for a number of reasons. If you work in or with or on a stone building this two-day course will help you understand why and how stone decays and what the appropriate repair or conservation techniques are. Demonstrations from a stone mason and a chance to do some carving will complement lectures from architectural conservation staff.
‘I now know limestone from sandstone and know what to ask my builder to do.’

StartEndCourse Fee 
The Conservation and Repair of Stone 2-3 May 2025
02/05/202503/05/2025£210.00[Read More]

The Conservation of Historic Interiors - 12-13 June 2025


Wightwick Manor, Wolverhampton and Westwood House, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire.
How do you peel away the layers of a historic interior and discover what is really ‘significant’? Once you have understood the interior how do you install services - electricity, security and fire detection systems? Using Wightwick Manor as a case study the day will progress to how the National Trust conservators identify the agents of deterioration within the mansion and deal with both preventative and remedial conservation. The second day will take a closer look at the plastered, papered and painted finishes of historic interiors.

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The Conservation of Historic Interiors - 12-13 June 2025
12/06/202513/06/20250£210.00[Read More]
Twentieth Century Building

The Conservation of Twentieth-century Buildings - 27-28 June 2025


Parkside Building, Birmingham City University B4 7BD
Some of the iconic buildings of the twentieth century were constructed from reinforced concrete. Like it or loathe it the concrete revolution changed the pattern of building. Yet
reinforced concrete decays and is subject to concrete cancer. If you manage a twentieth-century building you may want to know why it is important, how its components might be decaying and what to do about it. The Twentieth Century Society will talk about their recent campaigns. Concrete repairs will be covered in detail. There will also be case studies on successful conservation projects.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
The Conservation of Twentieth-century Buildings - 27-28 June 2025
27/06/202528/06/20250£210.00[Read More]

The Recording of Historic Buildings - 22-23 May 2025


Harvington Hall, Worcestershire and Pitchford Hall, Shropshire.
Learn the levels of recording commissioned in the conservation industry, whether to discharge a planning condition or for investigation, or in advance of demolition. Prepare for recording, selecting the most appropriate techniques. See the latest techniques of photogrammetry and laser scanning. Experience hand drawing a measured elevation and plan. See if remote capture by drone is for your project.
‘I needed to update myself on current methods and potential’.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
The Recording of Historic Buildings - 22-23 May 2025
22/05/202523/05/20250£210.00[Read More]

The Use of Lime in Historic Buildings 4-5 April 2025


4-5 April 2025

Llanymynech Limeworks, near Oswestry, Shropshire

All buildings constructed before the mid-nineteenth century would have used LIME for mortar, render, plaster and limewash. Lime allows buildings to ‘breathe’, but yet it is sometimes tricky to use and takes longer to apply, dry and finish than modern cements, and therefore many builders are unhappy with using it. Yet if you live, work or own an old property, using cement for repairs will damage the fabric of the building so this is your chance to get to understand the lime cycle, lime mixing and to enjoy practical hands-on sessions pointing and plastering using lime. Tim Ratcliffe, Conservation Architect, Simon Ayres of Lime Green and Stuart Preece, Plasterer, will be course tutors for an enjoyable two outdoor days. Mark Hawcroft will teach us about hot-mixed lime. Not for the faint-hearted!
‘great fun – I’ll never use cement again’

StartEndCourse Fee 
The Use of Lime in Historic Buildings 4-5 April 2025
04/04/202505/04/2025£210.00[Read More]

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